CSIR-IMTECH has signed an MoU with NABI Mohali

CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarh hassigned anagreement withNational Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohalion 26th November, 2019 for breeding and supply of specialized C57BL/6 mice and SD rats for research purposes.The agreement will facilitate exchange of ideas, development of new knowledge, skill development training of researchers and enhance high quality research between the researchers and faculty of both the institutes on laboratory animals.

Dr.Manoj Raje, Director CSIR-IMTECH and Dr. T. R. Sharma, Executive Director, NABI, Mohali signed the agreement on behalf of their respective institutes at CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh during the inauguration ceremony of National Workshop on "Understanding the Methodologies and Basics of Animal Research (UMBAR-2019)”. The workshop has been organized by IMTECH-Centre for Animal Resources & Experimentation (iCARE) from Nov 26 - Dec 2, 2019.

Last Modified Date:- 09-07-2024