• Deepyan Chatterjee, Balvinder Singh and Javed N. Agrewala : ImmtorLig_DB: repertoire of virtually screened small molecules against immune receptors to bolster host immunity.
  • Karambir Kaur, Amit Kumar Gupta and Manoj Kumar : geCRISPR – Software for the prediction of sgRNAs genome editing efficiency for CRISPR/Cas system.
  • Akanksha Rajput, Karambir Kaur and Manoj Kumar:SigMol: Software for archiving Quorum Sensing Signaling Molecules in Prokaryotes.
  • Anamika Thakur, Akanksha and Manoj Kumar : MSLVP: software for predicting multiple subcellular localization of viral proteins using support vector machine.
  • Showkat Ahmad Dar, Amit Kumar Gupta, Anamika Thakur, Akanksha and Manoj Kumar: SMEpred workbench: a web server for predicting efficacy of chemically modified siRNAs.
  • Isha Monga, Abid Qureshi and Manoj Kumar : ASPsiDb: Software for archiving experimentally validated allele specific siRNAs for human genetic diseases.
  • Showkat Ahmad Dar, Anamika Thakur,, Abid Qureshi and Manoj Kumar : siRNAmod: Software for depository of experimentally validated chemically modified siRNA.
  • Amit Kumar Gupta and Manoj Kumar : HPVbase: Software for archiving viral integrations, methylation patterns and microRNAs aberrant expression profile as biomarker for Human papillomaviruses mediated carcinomas.
  • Karambir Kaur, Himani Tandon, Amit Kumar Gupta and Manoj Kumar: CrisprGE: Software for repository of CRISPR/ Cas based genome editing data.
  • Kumardeep Chaudhary, Ritesh Kumar, Sandeep Singh, Abhishek Tuknait, Ankur Gautam, Deepika Mathur, Priya Anand, Grish G. Varshney and G.P.S. Raghava : HemoPI: A web server and mobile app for computing hemolytic potency of peptides.
  • Abid Qureshi, Nishant Thakur, Isha Monga, Anamika Thakur and Manoj Kumar : VIRmiRNA: A software for depository of viral miRNA and their targets” .
  • Akanksha Rajput, Amit Kumar Gupta and Manoj Kumar : QSPpred: Software for predicting quorum sensing peptides.
  • Abid Qureshi, Himani Tandon and Manoj Kumar : AVP-IC50Pred: Multiple machine learning techniques based prediction of peptide antiviral activity in terms of half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50)”.
  • Harinder Singh, Sandeep Singh and Gajendra pal Singh Raghava : PEP2D: Bayesian based approach for predicting secondary structure of peptides using evolutionary information.
  • Qureshi, Nishant Thakur, Himani Tandon and Manoj Kumar : AVPdb: A software for depository of antiviral peptides.
  • Abid Qureshi, Nishant Thakur and Manoj Kumar : VIRsiRNApred: Prediction of inhibition efficacy of siRNAs targeting human viruses.
  • Hifzur Rahman Ansari, Deepak Singla and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : TLR4hi- a software for computing antagonist of human TLR4.
  • Bharat Panwar, Sudheer Gupta and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : VitaPred- Software for the sequence based prediction of vitamin interacting residues using evolutionary information.
  • Nishant Thakur, Abid Qureshi and Manoj Kumar : VIRsiRNAdb: a curated database of experimentally validated viral siRNA/shRNA.
  • Harinder Singh, Hifzur Rahman Ansari and Gajendra pal Singh Raghava: LBtope: Improved method for linear B-cell epitope prediction using antigen’s primary sequence.
  • Sandeep Kumar Dhanda, Deepak Singla, Alok K. Mondal and Gajendra pal Singh Raghava : Drugmint: Knowledge based approach for predicting drug-likeness of a molecule.
  • Jagat Singh Chhauhan, Adil H. Bhat, Alka Rao and Gajendra pal Singh Raghava : GlycoPP: A Webserver for Prediction of N- O-Glycosites in Prokaryotic Protein Sequences.
  • Nishant Thakur, Abid Qureshi and Manoj Kumar : AVPpred: A software for the prediction of highly effective antiviral peptides.
  • Abid Qureshi, Nishant Thakur and Manoj Kumar : HIPdb: A database of experimentally validated HIV inhibiting peptides.
  • Bharat Panwar and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : Prediction and Classification of Nucleic Acid Interacting Residues in a Protein using Composition Profile of Patterns.
  • Shailesh Kumar and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : GenoemABC: A platform for benchmarking of genome assemblers.
  • Arun Sharma, Deepak Singla, Mamoon Rashid and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : DESTAMP: Designing of stable antibacterial mutant peptides.
  • Harinder Singh, Sandhya agarwal, Hifzur Rahman Ansari and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : SfePred: Prediction of the year of evolution of swine flu
  • Sandhya Agarwal, Nitish Kumar Mishra and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : PreMieR: Prediction of Mannose Interacting Residues
  • Hifzur Rahman Ansari, Sandhya Agarwal and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava. : NPTOPE for the prediction of non-peptide epitopes using QSAR based Random Forest model.
  • Hifzur Rahman Ansari and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava: CBTOPE for the identification of conformational B-cell Epitopes in an antigen from its primary sequence.
  • Bharat Panwar and Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava : Discrimination between cytosolic and mitochondrial tRNA synthetases.
  • Rakesh Kaundal and Raghava, G. P. S. RSLpred:A svm based method for subcellular localization prediction of rice proteins. SW-3638/2007.
  • Ahmed Firoz, Kumar M. and Raghava G.P.S. PolyApred: SVM based method for predicting of polyadenylation signals in human DNA sequence. SW-3637/2007.
  • Ahmed Firoz, Singh J. and Raghava G.P.S. CDpred:Prediction of cleavage site of Dicer using support vector machine. (Submitted).
  • Ahmed Firoz, Ansari H.R. and Raghava G.P.S. RISCbinder:Prediction of guide strand of microRNAs from its sequence and secondary structure. (Submitted).
  • Indent online: A software developed for the online placement and processing of the purchase indents in an organisation. SW-1848/2005.
  • Inventory online: A software developed for the store department with the aim of providing an easy and effortless environment to the department employees with the day-to-day. SW-1849/2005.
  • A suite of programs for computer-aided vaccine design. SW-2264/2005..
  • Lata, S. and Raghava, G. P. S. PRRDB: A comprehensive database of Pattern-Recognition Receptors and their ligands (Submitted).
  • Kush, A. and Raghava, G. P. S. AC2DGel: Analysis and Comparison of 2D Gels. SW-2123/2005.
  • Kumar, M., Thakur, V. and Raghava, G. P. S. COPid: composition based protein identification. SW-3074/2005.
  • Singh, H. and Raghava, G. P. S. Prediction and mapping of promiscuous MHC class II binders in an antigen sequence. SW-2286/2005.
  • Saha, S. and Raghava, G. P. S. Prediction of neurotoxins based on their function and source.SW-2352/2005.
  • Saha, S. and Raghava, G. P. S. Prediction of bacterial proteins. SW-2652/2005.
  • Rashid M., Saha S. and Raghava, G. P. S. TBPred:A SVM based subcellular localization prediction method for Mycobacterial proteins. SW-3635/2007
  • Rakesh Kaundal and Raghava, G. P. S. RSLpred:A svm based method for subcellular localization prediction of rice proteins. SW-3638/2007.
  • Ahmed Firoz, Kumar M. and Raghava G.P.S. PolyApred: SVM based method for predicting of polyadenylation signals in human DNA sequence. SW-3637/2007.

Last Modified Date:- 05-07-2024