BioInformatics Centre-BIC

Bioinformatics and Big Data Analytics

The Government of India established the Biotechnology Information System Network in 1987, the first of its kind in the world. Initially, nine Distributed Information Centres (DICs) were established all over India with the objective of creating infrastructure for information dissemination in the field of biotechnology. BIC at CSIR-IMTECH, Chandigarh is one of the DICs supported by DBT under the BTIS programme. It has shown consistent growth in different areas of bioinformatics whether in carrying out peer reviewed research or in providing services, data bases and software worldwide. The centre also provides services in the fields of protein modelling, protein engineering, biocomputing and networking. BIC staff has trained a large number of students and scientists over the years by conducting national and international conferences/training workshops. They train students of IMTECH and nearby universities. BIC provides education and research-related material to public via its website and provides infrastructure for R&D in bioinformatics. BIC has developed more than 200 webservers and data bases which are used by the public (with more than 125,000 hits per day) worldwide.

BIC is reputed for its research in bioinformatics, particularly in the field of computer-aided designing of drugs and vaccines. In the last 15 years, more than 25 students successfully completed their Ph.D. in bioinformatics. Presently, around 15 students are pursuing their Ph.D. in the field of bioinformatics at BIC. Additionally, a few project fellows/research associates assist in the research activities of BIC. The staff at BIC have published more than 250 research papers in reputed journals (with an average of 15 publications per year), almost all of which are highly cited (with more than 8000 citations to date). The major research activities of BIC staff include Structure and function characterization of proteins and peptides using in silico techniques, computer aided vaccine design, annotation of genomes and proteomes, prediction of drug targets, cheminformatics, viral bioinformatics and computational resources for drug discovery.

Bioinformatics Centre is equipped with state-of-art infrastructure that includes a 3D graphics facility having immersive virtual reality system and graphics workstations. In India, this lab is the first of its kind that fosters an atmosphere of active discussions in the area of structural biology and drug design as it is used for high end visualization of protein structural data. Further, servers, storage systems along with high performance computing provide necessary platform for the big data analysis and predictive biology in the bioinformatics centre. We foresee the future of Bioinformatics Centre at IMTECH having cloud based computing for solving the computational biology problems.

Thus, scientists at BIC at IMTECH shall continue to carry out research in different areas such i. development of databases and web servers/analysis tools in the areas of genomics, proteomics, immunology, system biology etc. ii. Prediction of protein structure-function relationship and beyond iii. Understanding infectious and rare disease biology with systems based approaches for identifying potential therapeutic interventions and diagnostic methods in addition to iv. Unraveling mechanistic details of protein at molecular level with reference to its function and dynamics. Centre would also like to experimentally validate predictions made using in silico methods. Staff of centre shall be actively engaged in the research work in collaboration and otherwise.

For staff details, Click here




aBiofilm A resource of anti-biofilm agents and their potential implications in antibiotic drug resistance
AntigenDB An immunoinformatics database of pathogen antigens.
AntiTbPdb A database of anti-tubercular peptides.
ApoCanD Database of Human Apoptotic Proteins in the context of cancer.
ASPsiRNA A Resource for ASP-siRNAs targeting Dominantly Inherited Human Genetic Disorders
AVPdb A comprehensive database of Antiviral Peptides (AVPs)
BCIpep Collection & compilation of B-cell epitopes from literature.
BIAdb A Database for Benzylisoquinoline Alkaloids.
CancerDR Cancer drug resistance database.
CancerPDF Database of cancer-associated peptides of human bodyfluids.
CancerPPD Database of anticancer peptides and proteins.
Cancertope A Platform for Designing Genome-Based Personalized Immunotherapy or Vaccine against Cancer.
CCDB Database of genes involved in Cervix Cancer.
ccPDB Compilation and Creation of datasets from PDB.
CPPsite A web page for cell penetrating peptides.
CPPsite 2.0 A database of experimentally validated cell penetrating Peptides.
CrisprGE A Central Hub of Crispr based Genome Editing
dbEM A Database of Epigenetic Modifiers
EbolaVCR A web-based resource for designing therapeutics against Ebola Virus.
ECDB Endometrial cancer gene database.
EGFRindb A database of EGF(Epidermal Growth Factor) receptors  (anticaner database).
HaptenDB A database of haptens, provide comprehensive information about the hapten molecule.
HemolytiK  A repository of experimentally validated hemolytic and non-hemolytic peptides.
HerceptinR  Information about assays performend to test sensitivity/resistance of Herceptin Antibodies.
HIPdb A database of HIV inhibiting peptides
HIVsir A manually curated database of anti-HIV siRNAs.
HIVsirDB A database of HIV-inhibiting RNAs
HMRbase A manually curated database of hormones and their Receptors.
HPVbase A knowlwdgebase of potential biomarkers for human papilloma virus mediated carcinomas
HPVomics A therapeutic and genomic resource for Human Papilloma studies
MHCBN A database od Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Binding,Non-binding peptides.
MtbVeb A webportal for designing vaccine against drug resistant and emerging strains of M. tuberculosis.
NPACT A curated database of plant derived natural compounds that exhibit anti-cancerous activity.
OXDbase A database of Biodegradative oxygenase.
ParaPep Compilation of experimentally validated anti-parasitic peptides and their structures. 
PCMdb A database of methylated genes found in pancreatic cancer cell lines and tissues.
PEPlife Database of experimentally validated therapeutic peptides and their half lives.
PolysacDB A comprehensive Database of microbial Polysaccharide antigens and their antibodies.
PRRDB A database of pattern recognition receptor.
SAPdb A database of nanostructure formed by self assembly of short peptide.
SATPdb A database of structurally annotated therapeutic peptides .
Sigmol A repertoire of quorum sensing signaling molecules in prokaryotes
siRNAmod A database of experimentally validated  chemically modified siRNAs
STARPDB A webserver for annotating structure of a protein using simililarity based approach.
THPdb A database of FDA approved therapeutic peptides and proteins.
TopicalPdb A Database of Topically Administered Peptide.
TumorHope A comprehensive database of Tumor Homing Peptides.
vhfRNAi A web-platform for analysis of host genes involved in viral infections discovered by genome wide RNAi screen
ViralEpi A web resource for viral methylome (Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and Hepatitis B virus (HBV))
VIRmiRNA Resource for experimental viral miRNA and their targets
VIRsiRNAdb A database of viral siRNA/shRNA
ZikaVR An Integrated Zika Virus Resource for Genomics, Proteomics, Phylogenetic and Therapeutic Analysis




AbAg Compute the endpoint titer and concentration of Antibody(Ab) or Antigen(Ag) from ELISA data.
ABCPred Mapping of B-cell epitope(s) in an antigen sequence, using artificial neural network.
ABMPred Prediction of AntiBacterial Compounds against MurA Enzyme
ABPpred Anti-biofilm peptide predictor
ADPint Prediction of ADP interacting residues in a protein.
AHTpin Designing and virtual screening of antihypertensive peptides.
ALGpred Prediction of allergenic proteins and mapping of IgE epitopes in antigens.
ALGpred A comprehensive database of pattern-recogniton receptors and their ligands
ALPHApred A neural network based method for predicting alpha-turn in a protein.
AntiBP Mapping of antibacterial peptides in a protein sequence.
AntiCP Prediction and design of anticancer peptides.
APSSP  Advanced Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Server.
APSSP2 Prediction of secondary structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence.
Ar_NHpred Identification of aromatic-backbone NH interaction in protein residues.
ATPint Identification of ATP binding sites in ATP-binding proteins.
AVCpred Antiviral Compound Prediction
AVP-IC50pred Prediction of peptide antiviral activity in terms of IC50
AVP-Pepred Antiviral peptide percent-efficacy predictor
AVPpred Collection and prediction of antiviral proteins
BCEPRED Prediction of linear B-cell epitopes, using Physico-chemical properties
BetaTPred Statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a protein.
BetaTPred2 Statistical-based method for predicting Beta Turns in a protein.
BetaTPred3 Prediction of beta turns and their types.
BetaTurns Prediction of beta turn types.
BhairPred Prediction of beta hairpins in proteins using ANN and SVM techniques.
CancerIn Classification and designing of anti-cancer inhibitors.
CBTOPE Conformational B cell prediction method
CellPPD Computer-aided Designing of efficient cell penetrating peptides.
ChemoPred A server to predict chemokines and their receptor
ChloroPred Prediction of chloroplast proteins.
COPid Composition based identification and classification of proteins.
CTLPred A direct method for prediction of CTL epitopes.
CytoPred It is a webserver for prediction and classification of cytokines.
DAMpro Disease Associated Mutations in Proteins.
desiRam Designing of highly efficient siRNA with minimum mutation approach
DiPCell Designing of inhibitors against pancreatic cancer cell lines.
DMKpred Prediction of Drug molecules for kinase protein
DNAbinder A webserver for predicting DNA-binding proteins.
DOMprint SVM based model for predicting domain-domain interaction (DDI).
DPROT DPROT:SVM-based method for predicting of disordered proteins.
DrugMint A Server for Identification of Drug-like Molecules
ECGPred Analsis of expresion data and correlation between gene expression and nucleotides composition of genes.
EGFRpred Prediction of inhibitor of anti-EGFR molecules of diverse class.
EGPred Prediction of gene (protein coding regions) in eukaryote genomes that includes introns/exons.
ESLpred Subcellular localization of the eukaryotic proteins using dipeptide compostion and PSI-BLAST.
ESLpred2 Advanced method for subcellular localization of eukaryotic proteins.
FDR4 Prediction of binding affinity of HLA-DRB*0401 binders in an antigenic sequence.
fisipred Phi-Psi angle prediction using average angle prediction technique.
FTG Locating probable protein coding region in nucleotide sequence using FFT based algorithm.
FTGPred A web server for predicting genes in a DNAsequence.
GDoQ Model for prediction of GLMU inhibitors using QSAR and docking apprach.
geCRISPR An integrated Pipeline for the prediction and analysis of sgRNAs genome editing efficiency for CRISPR/Cas system
GeneBench A suite of datasets and tools for evaluating gene prediction methods.
GlycoEP Prediction of C-, N- and O-glycosylation site in eukaryotic proteins.
GlycoPP Prediction of potential N-and O-glycosites in prokaryotic proteins.
GPCRpred Prediction of families and superfamilies of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR).
GPCRsclass This webserver predicts amine type of G-protein coupled receptors
GSTpred SVM-based method for predicting Glutathione S-transferase protein.
GTPbinder Identification of GTP binding residue in protein sequences.
HIVcoPRED Predicting coreceptor used by HIV-1 from Its V3 loop amino acid sequence.
HIVfin Prediction of fusion protein inhibitors against HIV.
HLA-DR4Pred Identification of HLA-DRB1*0401(MHC class II alleles) binding peptides.
HLAPRED The method can identify and predict HLA (both class I & II) binding regions in an antigen sequence.
HLP Designing of stable antibacterial peptides
HSLpred Prediction of subcellular localization of human proteins with high accuracy
Icaars Identification & Classification of Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases.
IFNepitope Designing of interferon-gamma inducing epitopes.
IgPred Identification of B-cell epitopes in an antigen for inducing specific class of antibodies
IL4pred In silico platform for designing and disovering of interleukin-4 inducing peptides.
imRNA Prediction of immunomodulatory RNAs, for designing of vaccine adjuvants and non-toxic RNAs
KetoDrug Binding affinity prediction of ketoxazole derivatives against fatty acid amide hydrolase.
KiDoQ Prediction of inhibition constant of a molecule against Dihydrodipicolinate synthase enzyme
LBTOPE Advanced method for predicting linear B-cell epitopes (antigenic region) with high accuracy developed using recent data
LGEpred Prediction of correlation between amino acid residue and gene expression level.
MARSpred Prediction of mitochondrial aminoacyl tRNA synthetases.
MARSpred Discriminating between Mitochondrial and Cytosolic Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetases
MDRIpred Prediction of Inhibitor against Drug Resistant M.Tuberculosis
MetaPred Prediction of cytochrome P450 isoform responsible for metabolizing a drug molecule.
MHC Matrix Optimization Technique for identification of binding core in MHC II binding peptides
MHC2Pred The MHC4Pred is an SVM based method for prediction of promiscuous MHC class II binding peptides.
MHCBENCH Benchmarking of MHC binding peptide prediction algorithms.
MitPred Prediction of mitochondrial proteins using SVM and hidden Markov model.
MMBPred Prediction of mutated MHC class I binders in an antigen, having high affinity and promiscuousity.
MSLVP Prediction of multiple subcellular localization of viral proteins
MYCOprint A tool fort exploration of the interactome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
NADbinder Prediction of NAD binding proteins and their interacting residues.
nHLApred This is a comprehensive method for prediction of MHC binding peptides or CTL epitopes of 67 MHC class I alleles.
NPpred  A webserver for the prediction of nuclear proteins.
NRpred  A SVM based method for the classification of nuclear receptors .
OXYpred Classification and prediction of oxygen binding proteins.
Pcleavage Identification of protesosomal cleavage sites in a protein sequence.
PEPstrMOD Structural prediction of peptides containing natural, non-natural and modified residues.  
PFMpred Predicting mitochondrial proteins of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
PHDcleav Prediction of Human Dicer cleavage sites.
PolyApred Prediction of polyadenylation signal (PAS) in human DNA sequence.
Pprint ANN based method for identification of RNA-interacting residues in a protein.
PreMieR A webserver for mannose Interacting residue.
proclass protein structure classification server.
ProPred Identification of promiscuous MHC Class-II binding regions in an antigen sequence
PROPRED1 Prediction of promiscuous binders for 47 MHC/HLA class I alleles using quantitative matrices;
ProPrInt A web-server predicts physical or functional interactions between protein molecules.
PROprint Prediction of physical/functional interaction between two protein molecules.
PSAWeb Analysis of Protein Sequence and Multiple Alignment.
PSEApred Prediction of Plasmodium Secretory and Infected Erythrocyte Associated Proteins.
PSLpred Predict subcellular localization of prokaryotic proteins.
QASpro A webserver for the Quality Assesment of Protein Structure.
QSPpred Quorum sensing peptide predictor
RNApin  A server for the prediction of protein interacting nucleotides in RNA sequences.
RNApred A webserver for the prediction of RNA binding proteins.
RSLpred A method for the subcellular localization prediction of rice proteins.
SARpred A neural network based method predicts the real value of surface acessibility.
siRNAPred Predicting actual efficacy of both 41mer and 19mer siRNAs with high accuracy.
SMEpred Design and predict efficacy of chemically modified siRNAs (cm-siRNAs)
SRF Find repeats through an analysis of the power spectrum of a given DNA sequence.
SRTpred A method for the classification of protein sequence as secretory or non-secretory protein.
TAPpred Prediction of TAP binding peptides for understanding of peptide internalization to endoplasmic reticulum.
TBBpred A webserver for the prediction of transmembrane Beta barrel regions in a given protein sequence.
TBpred A webserver  that predicts four subcellular localization of mycobacterial proteins.
TLR4HI SVM based model for computing inhbitors against human TLR4 (Toll like receptor).
ToxinPred An in silico method, which is developed to predict and design toxic/non-toxic peptides.
Toxinpred Prediction and designing of toxic/non-toxic peptides.
TOXIpred Prediction of aqueous toxicity of small chemical molecules in T. pyriformis.
tRNAmod Prediction of post transcriptional modifications in transfer-RNA (tRNA) sequence.
TSP-PRED A webservice for predicting Tertiary Structure of proteins.
TumorHPD Server dedicated for designing tumor homing peptides.
VaccineDA Prediction and designing DNA-based (Oligo-deoxy nucleotides) vaccine adjuvants.
VaxinPAD Computer-aided designing of peptide-based vaccine adjuvants
VGIchan Voltage gated ion channel prediction server.
VICMPpred  Prediction of Virulence factors, Information molecule, Cellular process and Metabolism molecule in the Bacterial proteins.
VitaPred  Identification of different class of vitamin interacting residues in a protein.
XIAPin Designing of efficient inhibitors against apoptosis protein XIAP (inhibitor against drug resistance cancer).

Last Modified Date:- 04-09-2024